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How to create RSS/Atom feeds in Zola for your tags, categories and any other taxonomies you've set up

17 March, 2025 - Categories: Zola - Tags: toml, static site generators

By Steven Rosenberg

In my effort to build out my own Zola site and get the Hook theme to do what I want, I look at the After Dark theme — which is maintained by the Zola team — for coding tips (i.e. things I can steal).

I was in After Dark looking for something else, and I noticed that the theme's config.toml has code that tells Zola to create separate RSS/Atom feeds for every category and tag you set up.

Here is that code:

taxonomies = [
    {name = "categories", feed = true},
    {name = "tags", feed = true},

(Strong hint: It's the feed = true part)

This is another great Zola feature that I'm going to take advantage of immediately. I should also probably just move to the After Dark theme so I get all of the good stuff out of the box.

The next thing in After Dark that I want (and don't have) is the site search. I could port that over to Hook, or just move to the theme that already has it. But I bet I can easily add it to my current theme.

Before I leave this post, I'd like to point out that some work has been done on Hook since Zola 0.20 came out, and it looks like the template that allows rss.xml and atom.xml to be built has been fixed. That is nice to see.