Zola test: Can you group taxonomies in front matter?
28 February, 2025 - Categories: Zola - Tags: front matter, toml
By Steven Rosenberg
Can you group tags and categories under a [taxonomies]
section in your Zola post's front matter rather than listing them under taxonomies.tags
and taxonomies.categories
Yes you can.
This post's front matter went from:
title = "Zola test: Can you group taxonomies in front matter?"
date = 2025-02-28
taxonomies.tags = [
"front matter",
taxonomies.categories = [
title = "Zola test: Can you group taxonomies in front matter?"
date = 2025-02-28
tags = [
"front matter",
categories = [
The second one, with [taxonomies]
seems cleaner, and that's what I'm going to use.